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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

So another start…

I have honestly lost track of the number of times that I have decided to begin blogging. I guess I am turning into one of those people who believe that “Well begun is half done”. I hate being such a person, I think they are quitters. These are people who begin something with all the right intentions and fail to see it through. Like I made clear earlier I hate being such a person, I have become one of them.

Well time to make amends, time to make wrongs right. I shall as a promise be more regular with my “blogs” and make a real effort to keep all of you updated about all that is going on in and around me.

What is it that I plan to “blog” about? Here is a quick list,

1. People around me (Nothing personal just their quirks and things about them that are, well their own!)

2. Things happening to me.

3. My work.

4. My passions.

5. What I have been reading (And not reading)

So here I am again, all revved up to make a new beginning (again). This is a new beginning for me, the beginning of yet another promise of blogging.

I hope I don’t let myself down.