Eric Theodore Cartman, the foul mouthed bigot from South Park has made an impression on a lot of people. Now people may like him or not, but they definitely take notice. I am one of the few people who like him. You can say he has kind of made an impression on me. I don't necessarily subscribe to most of what he says, but I would love to say whats on my mind and not worry about offending anyone.
A lot of us go through life accepting a lot of crap that people throw at us and just don't have the courage to say anything back. I guess we all want to live life by some sense of moral obligation of being right or wrong. But not cartman, he calls a spade a spade, an idiot an idiot. He does not give a shit !!!
So I guess I live vicariously when I watch cartman, doing stuff that's not "acceptable" and still come out on trumps (You will be surprised with the kind of crap he manages to get away with). Like cartman says.....
"Screw you guys"